Fine artistry

To pursue great craftmanship means being able to apply the very best in terms of drawing, brushwork, composition arrangement and color harmonies. Felipe Barreiro claims that a successful painting is that which suspends disbelief and transports the spectator to where the artist has intended to. Felipe believes strongly in the concepts of beauty, meaning and intrinsic value.


Felipe Barreiro works on a few select projects per year. Each one being completely unique and relevant to the core concepts of his work. The process demands to dive deep into time and space with the objective of creating the perfect piece: paintings that can immortalize Legends for future generations to come. This immersive approach takes several months before the art piece is completed.


Felipe Barreiro is incorporating the best from what art history has to offer in terms of realism. His paintings are precise but dynamic. His particular brushwork allows to accurately represent all the elements of the scene while being true to his "bravura" style. Each subject requires a specific approach for maximum quality. The color palette that he uses is vibrant but harmonious, staying true to the relationships present in nature.

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